Delicious Tenderloin Steaks are cooked to perfection and placed on a bed of greens, cherry tomatoes and sautéed mushrooms.
Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Add mushrooms and 1 teaspoon garlic; cook and stir 2 to 4 minutes or until mushrooms are tender and browned. Remove to medium bowl; cool slightly.
Meanwhile, combine remaining 2 teaspoons garlic and thyme. Press evenly onto beef Tenderloin Steaks. Place steaks in same skillet over medium heat; cook 10 to 13 minutes for medium rare (145°F) to medium (160°F) doneness, turning occasionally. Remove to platter.
Add tomatoes, salad greens and vinaigrette to mushrooms; toss lightly to coat.
Season steaks with salt and pepper, as desired. Serve with salad.
Test Kitchen Tips Insert an instant-read thermometer horizontally from the side so it penetrates the thickest part or center of the steak not touching bone or fat