Our Mission
To increase beef demand and generate positive attitudes while improving profit opportunities for beef producers.
What We Do
The South Dakota Beef Industry Council is the Qualified State Beef Council which collects and administers the $1 beef checkoff on cattle sold in South Dakota. Checkoff dollars are utilized strictly for promotion, education and research programs. Fifty cents of every dollar is directed to the Cattlemen's Beef Board for programs on the national level. The SDBIC retains 50 cents, which is invested in additional national programs and in-state programs. Funding is determined by the SDBIC's board of directors which is made up of 24 volunteer cattle producers representing 8 agriculture organizations from across the state.
When We Meet
The SDBIC holds quarterly public meetings. Dates and times are publicly announced in advance.
Our History
1954 - The South Dakota Beef Council is formed for the purpose of beef promotion.
1977- After previously joining with the South Dakota Livestock Industry Committee, the group officially changes its name to the South Dakota Beef Industry Council (SDBIC)
1986 - The SDBIC applies and is approved to become the Qualified State Beef Council for South Dakota