Board of Directors

The SDBIC is comprised of three representative from eight agricultural organizations: SD Livestock Auction Market Association, SD Stockgrowers Association, SD Farm Bureau Association, SD Cattlemen's Association, SD Cattlemen's Auxiliary, SD Cattlewomen, SD Beef Breeds Council, and SD Farmers Union. 

South Dakota Livestock Market Association

Christina Christensen, Kimball

Casey Perman, Mobridge

Rick Woehlhaff, Watertown 


South Dakota Stockgrowers Association

JT Rickenbach, Oelrichs

Raydelle Sperle, Buffalo 

Randy Volmer, Owanka 


South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation

Josh Geigle, Creighton 

Kent VanderWal, Bruce (Vice President) 

Mike Gebhart, Meadow

South Dakota Cattlemen's Association

Marshall Edleman, Willow Lake 

Carl Sanders, Oral (President)

Katie Mauch, Pierre 

South Dakota Cattlemen's Auxiliary

Kelsey Geraets, Humboldt (Treasurer) 

Meagen J Fischer, Centerville 

Emily Peterson, Highmore


South Dakota CattleWomen

Katrin Vanzanbergen, Winner 

Danielle Kartak, Colome  

Erin Yost, Gann Valley


South Dakota Beef Breeds Council

Chris Effling, Highmore

VeaBea Thomas, Harrold

Amy Blum, Reliance 


South Dakota Farmers Union

David Reis, Oacoma

Oren Lesmeister, Parade

Lance Perrion, Ipswich 


National Directors

Cattlemen's Beef Promotion & Research Board

Veabea Thomas, Harold

Larry Stomprud, Mud Butte 

David Uhrig, Hermosa 

Oren Lesmeister, Parade 


Federation of State Beef Councils

Emily Peterson, Highmore 

Josh Geigle, Creighton 

Amy Blum, Reliance  


US Meat Export Federation

Jared Knock, Willow Lake

David Reis, Oacoma

Marshall Edleman, Willow Lake 


Meet our Staff: 

Jodie Anderson

Jodie Anderson

Executive Director

Responsible for management of staff, producer communications and oversight of all checkoff programs, activities and functions of the South Dakota Beef Industry Council.


Riley Zoss - Littau

Communications Manager

Responsible for media communications, social media and marketing materials.

Holly Swee

Holly Swee

Director of Nutrition

Responsible for recommending, developing, and implementing nutrition education programs and content that supports beef in a healthful lifestyle.